Contact us

We have almost 25 years of history and we remember the very beginning: the internet was seen as a jumble of graphic objects, a space "for creatives". Later we came to the topic of usability and started talking about experience. It took years to make the Internet a means and not an end. Today, we perceive the service through the internet as a unique combination of graphic object, interaction, service, function.

The ability to give shape to a service, the ability to communicate and enhance an experience are precious qualities at every level in the contemporary digital ecosystem and beyond.

The numbers must find their representation through data visualisation, the concepts and services must be explained with design thinking and service design. The DNA of a brand also requires to be expressed through colours and shapes.
Even intra-company communication benefits from a mature approach to UI/UX.

UI/UX is not just form, but contributes to the realisation of the essence. This is why, at Drop, we give paramount importance to the User Experience and the User Interface. And we have more than 20 years of experience and passion for this.


Design & Development by Basilico Agency


3D model created by modifying "Flower Point Cloud Photogrammetry" © Moshe Caine (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)


Drop s.r.l.
VAT 01383870431
Headquarter: Via Sandro Pertini 1 – 63812 Montegranaro (FM)
Drop is part of Horsa Spa